Teddy Bullock
Teddy The Bullock – The gentle giant.
Teddy came to us around 5 years ago.

As a calf, he was born very small, so much so that they put him in pyjamas to keep him warm. He ended up going to a petting farm, but sadly once an animal outgrows its cute factor, in most cases the animals are replaced with other “cuter” animals.
He was returned to the farm he came from, due to be slaughtered but the farmer struggled to send him to market as he was such a gentle boy who he had a connection with.
Thankfully a couple of ladies who had horses on the farm called me and asked if we had any space and shortly after we went to collect him.
He was so gentle that he didn’t really fit in with farm life, having spent time in a petting zoo he was used to humans and life alone, so when he was thrown back into a small barn with cows he was bullied a lot.
He is actually the biggest of our herd but still bottom of the pecking order, so we make sure when they are housed over winter, he has his own pen (in fact all our horned cows have their own bed and breakfast apartment).
Teddy is the cow that all guests love to stroke as he is so friendly.
He used to chase me around the field in the early days playfully, but thankfully he has calmed down now as he’s rather large to play with, to Teddy he is just a playful puppy. He just has no idea that he’s a giant.