
The little black Dexster
She was in a petting zoo and lived with a donkey and two sheep “Smudge and Willow”
She had never seen another cow in her life
When the petting zoo closed down I was asked to take them
It was beautiful to see
Kylie came in first / then when Mickey Donkey arrived she was going crazy. She ran to the trailer and waited for him to be unloaded
Then they both ran up the field skipping and jumping.
Willow the sheep adored Kylie and for a while had to be kept together as they were inseparable
The day Kylie was introduced to the cows she was so excited, she instantly bonded with Luvu who was now the biggest
She no longer wanted to be a sheep or a donkey. She now realised who she was.
One day when we were mucking out we put Kylie into another shed area away from Luvu
She went into panic mode and literally jumped the high fence to rejoin her friend
It was at that point I realised the fear she had being separated and never did that again
Kyle is only small but very wild, in fact, the scattiest cow I’ve met