Baby Luvu
Luvu was rescued as a dying baby calf when her old mother (Mamamoo) had no milk left to feed her having spent 18 years in the farming industry.
We took both mother and baby. Supplementing the calf with a huge bottle. Baby Luvu also got to be with her sister as we went back to the farm to rescue her as well.
Both are still together now 14 years later.
Luvu as a calf was bullied a lot by Twilight who was the boss cow.
Little did Twilight know that one day she would grow huge ( as she is a limousine breed )
She would stick by her mother and was a very shy little calf.
Then one day she took charge and became boss cow. Unlike Twilight she’s a gentle cow and only uses her power and strength when it’s really needed, unlike Twilight who was a bully.